Why is it that starting a new relationship makes some people nervous? I started a new relationship with a guy I met a month ago. Things are moving along smoothly, we go on nice dates, have good conversation, and we seem to hit it off very well. At first I was nervous dating him because I have not dated in a while, but now I feel more comfortable around him. I think I am ready for a relationship in this phase of my recovery, I am taking my medication regularly and I starting to do more activities.
Meeting new people was one of my goals for recovery. I do not have many friends now but I hope to get a few in the near future. Another one of my goals for recovery is decribed in my post, "Closer to Recovery," I discuss plans to start school in the spring, so far the application process is going well.
Meeting new people was one of my goals for recovery. I do not have many friends now but I hope to get a few in the near future. Another one of my goals for recovery is decribed in my post, "Closer to Recovery," I discuss plans to start school in the spring, so far the application process is going well.
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