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D Stands for Different - The Stigma

As we know society views schizophrenia in a disturbing manner. The general public does not know what schizophrenia is. If you're newly diagnosed, you may be susceptible to the negative beliefs that are prevalent. Accepting society's poor perceptions is the self-stigma. 

Combating the Self-Stigma

Believe it or not I've held self-stigmatizing thoughts too. I've thought because I have this condition nobody will want to be in a relationship with me. Over the years, I've gained insight into what this diagnosis is and isn't. 

Educating oneself, like what you're doing now, on the facts that recovery is possible is vital. This fact is a powerful weapon to combat the stigma. Therefore, in turn refuting the self-stigma. It's essential we don't internalize the false information nor identify ourselves by our diagnoses. Yes, we have limitations, as everybody does, but our health problems do not have to steal the life out of us. Learning more about our health concerns equips us with the knowledge to extinguish self-stigmatizing views.

First, we must kill the weeds of self-doubt. Despite having schizophrenia, we still hold dreams, values and goals like everybody else. These ideals are attainable. Yet, we must develop ourselves to gain clarity, and we'll acquire greater confidence overall. Thus, overcoming the self-stigma.

Education and Peer Support

Participating in support groups offers inner strength through peer support. These meetings are open to the public and available online more so. Other ways to instill self-worth and enlightenment around having this condition is to learn more about recovery lifestyles such as through the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). They provide free training and classes on methods to empower us more through self-advocacy and support. Their programs are empowering for us and our loved ones.

To move forward in recovery, we must gain a better understanding of schizophrenia. While relearning ourselves. We learn our needs and wants as time passes. We develop a healthy mindset toward ourselves by working on our individualized goals, whatever that may look like for you. Yes, recovery is a vague term. However, I view it as striving to cope with the illness through healthy mechanisms. Recycling wellness tools to create a good mental space and settings to manage daily concerns. 

Make Treatment an Option

 Yes, schizophrenia is a challenging health issue but it's manageable. We could live fulfilling lives with a sense of normalcy. The symptoms of the diagnosis are difficult but can be controlled through various treatments that is discussed with healthcare providers. It's best to be open-minded to treatments and control symptoms in order to move a little easier in life. 

Reflections on Dating with a Diagnosis

While these ideas to trump the self-stigma are effective there are additional concerns to consider. How can we move forward in relationships with this health issue? When should you disclose your diagnosis to a potential partner? How will the diagnosis impact your relationship? These are some of the topics we'll discuss this month (March 2025).


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