Join the conversation in our Share it with Charlotte podcast interview: "Connecting With Ashley Smith's Journey - In Her Own Ink." Leave a comment. We discuss my journey of recovery, family life and new book, In Her Own Ink. Also, I encourage you to look at our past interview: Share it with Charlotte "Crushing the Spirit of Depression." I appreciate the opportunity to discuss my story and to talk about mental health and my new book, In Her Own Ink. I enjoyed my experience on Charlotte's show because she always makes me feel at home. Thank you, Charlotte for allowing me to share my passion that is diving into mental health talks and my books. I wish you well on your show and look forward to continuing our discussion on coping with schizophrenia and related conditions.
I had a terrific interview with Sam an individual living with autism who is also a postdoctoral researcher. Frequently, he interviews people who are living with autism and other mental health conditions. I enjoyed our interview because he allowed me the opportunity to discuss a lot of different aspects of living in recovery. Our interview focuses on a wide range of topics including schizophrenia symptoms, parenting with a diagnosis, advocacy, romantic relationships, caregivers - my recovery experience. Do watch this video and learn more about my story and how an individual could cope with a diagnosis such as mine; schizoaffective disorder (bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia). I encourage you to review his other interviews as well and to subscribe to his YouTube channel, All Neurotypes Office; and check out his website: ...