For many years I've struggled with symptoms of depression and fight hard to control it. Low mood can manifest in several ways. For me, depression is war on energy, motivation, hygiene, concentration, productivity, anxiety, memory, and the pain of it all. Not being able to function at the level I'm capable of. The inability to finish tasks which used to be second-hand nature, easy and simple. After years of ongoing medication changes I've developed the right approach to conquer my depression with my doctor. Now I take two antidepressant medications, a mood stabilizer, and antipsychotic. Yet, that's only a fraction of the story to overcoming my challenges with symptoms. I fight the mind wars everyday. In fact, earlier today I fought with myself to get out of bed to take my medicine in order to control the day's battles. My mountain was the burden and challenges to gathering enough energy to get up and move. I laid in bed playing out the role in my head. I envisio...
This blog is about educating and empowering peers, caregivers, and loved ones with hope for recovery. I describe my experience living with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. I've been in recovery since 2007. I've experienced setbacks, but also triumphed through challenges. I encourage you to share your thoughts and to believe that better days are attainable. Thank you for visiting. Welcome to my life in recovery... Ashley Smith