I am very excited to share another blog book with you! I hope you will read it, share it and let me know how you're doing. amazon.com/author/smithashley Here's an overview of my book: The book, What's on My Mind? Volume III, Controlling the Weight of Depression is a collection of blog articles from Overcoming Schizophrenia. The articles detail the recovery journey of blogger, advocate, and author, Ashley Smith. The blog posts cover Ashley's experience with mental health that is examined over the course of 2019 to 2024. Her story shows resiliency at work offering hope, awareness, and strategies to control your depression and keep pressing forward. The blog entries are uplifting and promote healthy lifestyle habits such as meditation, therapy, exercise, journaling, and a wide range of coping techniques that will undoubtedly help you get a handle on your depression and feel better. Ashley's message is cl...
This blog is about educating and empowering peers, caregivers, and loved ones with hope for recovery. I describe my experience living with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. I've been in recovery since 2007. I've experienced setbacks, but also triumphed through challenges. I encourage you to share your thoughts and to believe that better days are attainable. Thank you for visiting. Welcome to my life in recovery... Ashley Smith