"My brain has been stolen...My head is blowing apart!" Diana Ross, producer and star actress in the television program Out of the Darkness (1994), portrays Pauline Cooper, a 42 year old woman suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Cooper, a former med student, loses 20 years of her life battling schizophrenia. She makes life unbearable for her mother, sister, and daughter when she is not institutionalized. However, after she is released from a psychiatric ward she attempts to get her life back together. There is a new drug for schizophrenia that Cooper tries and its seems to put her on the correct path to recovery.
THIS IS A MUST SEE: To view this movie go to TV ONE at 8pm EST, tonight. Click on the title of this post for a sneak peek of the movie (wait a few moments for the film to play).
The best movie ever and it helped me to understand my mom alittle. Thank you